Be Creative, Be Yourself

Want to make a trip, enjoy creating art, meeting people?

Inspire Your Creativity

Give your creativity a boost and enjoy the sun of the Algarve.
Join an Art-Holiday.

Meet People

Meet people with similiar
interests and explore art in South Portugal.

International Hospitality

Enjoy and be yourself in a friendly environment.

Alone or in groups…

Welcome to the Algarve Art Retreat

In the beautiful Algarve, close to the historical city of Loule and within 20 minutes of stunning beaches Uschi Kuhn has created with Algarve Art Retreat a haven of peace and tranquility. Revitalise and Rejuvenate tired minds and bodies. Our German, English and Portuguese staff looks forward to welcoming you!

At Algarve Art Retreat you will find

Recreation, Events and Art Courses

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Uschi Kuhn (creator of Algarve Art Retreat) was born in Heidelberg Germany and for over 40 years has seen beauty in the ordinary and translated the mediocre into stunning works of art. With her extended creative background she is offering a beautiful creative environment for artists from all around the world. Read more …

Enjoy your stay at Algarve Art Retreat

There is more to explore at Algarve

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